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Village hall Christmas Party 1950s.jpg

 Village Hall Christmas Party 1950s​​


The Parish Community Project began in 2011 with an exhibition of old village photographs and memorabilia. Since then, hundreds of photographs from family albums have been scanned, documenting over a century of life in High Ham, Low Ham, Henley and nearby hamlets. There are also recorded memories from many older residents. Copies of most material are lodged with the Somerset Heritage Centre (make an appointment to view and copies are also kept in the parish. 

The parish boundary takes in the villages of High Ham, Low Ham and Henley and the hamlets of Paradise, Hamdown and some of Beer, on the Somerset Levels. There are some 400 households in this rural community, and many families have been in the area for generations. Both long-term residents and newcomers are interested in the history of the villages and the photographs, anecdotes and memorabilia have generated much interest, discussion and laughter.


The PCP has published several books: A reprint of the Women’s Institute 1965 Scrapbook; The 2012 Community Scrapbook of the parish;  ‘A Somerset Parish 1895-1965: Memories of village life in High Ham, Low Ham and Henley’; and a walking leaflet with map and information on parish landmarks (see Book page).


The photos on this website are a fraction of those in the archive. Thank you to everyone in the parish who has shared photographs and memories. 


If you are interested in joining the project or have any queries or comments please get in touch through this website or email


Cider making at Hacky Crossman's
(Courtesy S. Sparks)

© 2021 High Ham, Low Ham and Henley Community History Project

Built by Four Designs

Every effort is being made to respect copyright issues – we would be grateful if you could inform us of any possible infringements and we will address them as soon as possible.

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